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PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Wake Up! Have video by flag Factor6
Requested By: flagzoi
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Time Left: 3:00

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User Profile For nyingen

flag Affenberg
[No Info Line]

Member Since: January 7, 2017
4 Uploads, 2663 Votes, Spoken 15923 Times.
Last Login: February 22, 2025
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nyingen's Ultimate Song: AMIGA-MODPhysical Presence Have video by flag Jogeir (Jogeir Liljedahl) l Locked

Public information

Hi! I'm one of the Necta admins. If you need to reach me, sending a PM here or on Discord, or email (nyingen at is the best option. I do monitor the oneliner as much as I can, but I usually listen to Necta on a portable speaker, so even if I am making some reqs here and there, I may not actually be at the computer. So please be patient.

I check the forums several times a day, so please post there if you have an issue that others might be interested in as well.

There is a Nectarine channel on Discord, and admins monitor it for site-related issues. To join the Discord channel, use this link:

There is also a Nectarine channel on, at I can also be contacted on as Matrix is a decentralised, completely secure messaging system, unlike Discord, which stores and data-mines your "private" conversations.

A bit about me:

I'm a pro musician (in the sense of being paid for musical work on a consistent basis). My main instruments are voice, piano, and guitar, but I play a bunch of other stuff too. I love trackers and tracked music, but I could never quite get the hang of doing it myself, so although I have a fair amount of experience with Scream Tracker, Impulse Tracker, Goat Tracker, Jeskola Buzz, Renoise, and others, I've never actually released a tune. For other music, my DAW of choice (which I use frequently) is Logic.

I've been using Nectarine since 2003 and discovered it through my interest in trackers and tracker music. Before switching to professional musical work, my career was in programming and Linux system administration.

I am an American but expatriated to NZ nearly 10 years ago. I've been a vegetarian for 20 years and a dvorak typist for almost as long (these two things are obviously unrelated).

I speak Swedish, Japanese, and a fair amount of French.