Rapture (18:00:59) zoi+ta
zoi (18:00:55) kdenlive is teh bomb for editing video
Rapture (18:00:53) on my YT I already made cubase videos. dunno how it works, was year ago
zoi (18:00:45) OBS is tuned for realtime video mixing
Rapture (18:00:29) mirror, well, I would record my cubase to show the forbidden forest presets that I made. really nice.
Rapture (18:00:02) wit OBS I can make a video?
mirrorbird (17:59:54) ok. a video? is it just sound or pictures?
Rapture (17:59:43) was cool work to be part of a SID software synth
Agemixer (17:59:43) meooooooow
Rapture (17:59:28) I can make a video of it if youw ant
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