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PC-RenoiseOne Must Fall 2097 (Reconstructed) Have video by flag C.C. Catch (Kenny Chow)
Requested By: flagOctoate

Time Left: 4:45

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User Profile For raveon

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flag Manivla
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Member Since: January 21, 2012
0 Uploads, 0 Votes, Spoken 0 Times.
Last Login: November 21, 2013
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Public information

I used to part of the demoscene group Polygon back in the 90's. I attended Assembly and I worked as a network guy in The Party 97 in Arhus (Denmark). I have been composing music since the days of the Amiga 500 until now and I am developing and renovating a large plot in the south of Spain to house a music and film studio. I have composed on trackers since Octamed, Protracker, Noisetracker, Fast Tracker II, Skaletracker and also used professional tools such as Protools and Cubase SX. I use an MKIII from MOTU, a RFX Zoom Effects processor and my trust Sony Laptop. I will be sending some of my modules and tracks to nectarine so If anyone wants to listen and any feedback appreciated.