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PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)An Aura Mix by flag Dark Angel (Frank Lautenbach)
Requested By: djrandom

Time Left: 5:55

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User Profile For selmi

flag Košice
[No Info Line]

Member Since: February 6, 2011
4 Uploads, 994 Votes, Spoken 0 Times.
Last Login: February 2, 2016
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Public information

real world: nothing special, just another PalmOS/Android/SQL/C++ programmer

demoscene world: with nickname SS and for some time period Anubis I was member of ZX Spectrum demogroups Speccy Boyz (until 1998), Zero Team (since 1998) and briefly Constellation for few weeks sometimes at the beginning of current millenia. Check Also i was one and only member of Napalm Team which was meant to be PalmOS demogroup but released only one soundless intro and that was all (