d_vibe (09:58:09) Triss never happens
zoi (09:53:53) triss
d_vibe (09:53:12) Andersson: suddenly it happens
d_vibe (09:52:35) eyes*
d_vibe (09:52:33) Daanciiing, with teears in my eeeeys
Andersson (09:51:55) nice, djrandom pickked the only song I think I've uploaded here
d_vibe (09:42:26) I had heard the original Megablast tune before Xenon II thanks to my older brother
d_vibe (09:41:25) Bomb the bass also produced Depeche Mode's Ultra-album..
d_vibe (09:40:01) Bomb the bass did a remix of his tune for an Amiga remix collection later
zoi (09:38:21) it's already been 19 years since 1995 by mfx & kewlers
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