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Site Development » Feature Idea: Better usage of right sidebar, queue below Currently Playing Box, etc

Pages: 1
Author Thread

54 Posts
#1626 (3 years, 5 months ago)
I wished that the next playing songs would be listed below the Currently Playing Box. I also have to click on Queue (or make a new Tab with it) to check which songs are next to be played. Whereas it would be much easier to show that on ONE page.

At the moment I have to open gazillions of Tabs for different Necta tasks.

One Tab for chatting
One Tab for Favorite Song list to queue
One Tab for the queue
Several Tabs for several songs to check for rating, comments, etc

Modern web design (without making it too much Web 2.0'y) would be to summarize certain tasks&elements on one page.

On the right side bar, you could include:

Currently Playing
Even maybe the Fav Songs List
On the left side you can chat in the oneliner as usual

What do you think?

338 Posts
#1627 (3 years, 5 months ago)
This is a good idea. I'm sure "Next: " would be quite easy to do. Not sure about putting the whole queue into the "Currently Playing" widget as it can get long sometimes, but we shall see. Thanks for suggesting.

54 Posts
#1628 (3 years, 5 months ago)
Thanks! Yes, not the wholequeue, but maybe at least the next 3 or so songs would be great!

What about a small box below it, that is like Youtube suggestions "what tune to request next"? Not just a random tune shown, but a tune (or three of them) from the users "favorite list" would also be a neat idea!
Missing my reqs since 2008

22 Posts
#1633 (3 years, 4 months ago)
I like Rapture's idea about displaying some tunes to reqs based on favorites.

54 Posts
#1634 (3 years, 4 months ago)
Thanks yes LW, that would make the usage of Necta a bit better! The more USEFUL info can be displayed on ONE page, the less I have to be a "necta tab junkie"!
Pages: 1

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