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General » WANTED: Tuna for an old school style BBStro

Pages: 1
Author Thread
Nostalgic BBS Sysop - v2.0

17 Posts
#1669 (3 years, 5 months ago)
Hi Everyone,

As most of you know from my beer fuelled OneLiner posts... I run an old school early 90s style RemoteAccess BBS called Dark Systems BBS.

Back in the day (early to mid 90s), it was a courier for bringing scene music & productions into Canada. Parents loved those phone bills...

Now days, it's still running RemoteAccess in all it's 90s glory but is telnet accessible instead of dial-up.
Full of nostalgic 80s/90s memories, ANSI art and period games (drop by for some L.O.R.D!)

In keeping with my nostalgia addiction, I've been writing a small BBStro (will be my first demo-style coding release that isn't a utility of some sort).

Trying to stay in the theme of the late 80s / early 90s, so there's lots of star field fun and copper bar/sinus scrolling text excitement.

I am missing a nostalgic music track to tie it all together...
I'm sure I can find a tuna on MOD Archive to credit the original artist with... but it would be awesome to have a new snazzy music track if there are any musicians looking to make a few $$$ and kick it old school once again...

Just wanted to throw the offer out there.
Cheers everyone!
Nostalgic BBS Sysop - v2.0

17 Posts
#1686 (3 years, 4 months ago)
Perhaps a slick WIP sample screenshot of the ultimate old school BBStro will generate some tuna interest...

Yes! Copper bars, sinus text scrolls and star fields... oh my!
Pages: 1

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