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Site Development » Streaming not working from right sidbar

Pages: 1
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1 Posts
#1735 (2 years, 12 months ago) (the link on the right sidebar) doesn't seem to work (tested on artix linux+openrc), however, all mirrors ( do work even in browser (tested on librewolf 95.0.2 (probaly not the newest version)). i suggest just linking to one of these instead or just linking to the mirrorlist, as if you have bad internet, you probably want a smaller bitrate, and it's just more optimal with mirrorlists anyways, i also suggest to add a feature to users so they can set a mirrorlist here, so when they click the listen button, it will do a lookup on the mirrorlist until it finds a mirror that works. ik you can just set up this in terminal, but not everyone likes that, i prefer doing this in browser, and so do probably most windows and mac users.
symptomless coma

422 Posts
#1736 (2 years, 11 months ago)
It's not the site's job to decide which stream is up, or down, or which one is the best fit for your Internet profile or speed. We just provide a list of available resources. It's just a Web page offering URLs -- it's not responsible for what your personal player does with the URLs when you have got them.

Choosing the best stream might be something that a good player/client could do, if we provided a list of available streams (M3U?). But I'm not sure what the support is like for that kind of thing.

Of course if a stream is totally permanently dead then let us know ('cause sometimes they don't tell us!).
Pages: 1

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