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Unlucky - 13th Planet by flag Pohar
Requested By: djrandom
In Compilations: Compilation Bitjam Podcast #15

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Site Development » Do you need help with website dev?

Pages: 1
Author Thread

10 Posts
#1798 (2 years, 10 months ago)
Hello guys,

Some of you might remember me, some other not. I've been around for a looong time now and after a few years of hiatus, I just came back here and..... saw the same old website
Im like everybody else, feels nostalgic about this website but I also feel it is long overdue to suggest a refresh.

I realize that a lot of us get emotional with that kind of things so, in order not to get too hindered by contradictory emotions, I propose to work on a full revamp of the website.

If you are interested with my help (I have been a webdeveloper for about 20 years now, and I am the CEO of a web dev agency), I would be glad to give it a try.

10 Posts
#2649 (1 week, 3 days ago)
Hello there, just wanted to let you know that, after 2 years, my offer is still up.
If you need help, I can help.
Missing my reqs since 2008

24 Posts
#2650 (1 week, 3 days ago)
Well, flagMindiell is working on something, as stated on his profile. That's all I know/remember :D.
Missing my reqs since 2008

24 Posts
#2651 (1 week, 3 days ago)
Just found that discussion, that will probably interest you:

10 Posts
#2652 (1 week, 3 days ago)
Aehm... well, sorry then, using django + having files over 3k lines of code already smells like doom. You just crushed my hopes

10 Posts
#2653 (1 week, 3 days ago)
I praise the effort though

66 Posts
#2654 (1 week, 3 days ago)
Well, having big files is not necessarily a bad thing. We just have to split them

66 Posts
#2656 (1 week, 3 days ago)
Created a new thread!
Pages: 1

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