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Site Development » demosauce moved to codeberg

Pages: 1
Author Thread
(\/) (°,,,°) (\/)

19 Posts
#2596 (1 month, 3 weeks ago)

the "official" demosauce repository moved from gitlab to codeberg ( I also took the opportunity to update decoder libraries, fix bass download script, and do a bit of house keeping.

While I haven't done much in the last years, I intend to keep supporting it as I also use it privately, though as far as I'm concerned it's mostly feature complete. I think currently demovibes is running a fork, but I'm out of the loop as I'm not on the discord.

If there are any issues write here or submit an issue on codeberg.

Cheers, mæp

66 Posts
#2605 (1 month, 1 week ago)
Woah! great news!

Actually I forked the last demovibes repo available from github to put it on framagit (gitlab instance) and work on it to get a modern Django behind the scene.

I upgraded it to django 3.x for now and I need to modify real code now in order to simplify this beast.

Thx for your work!
(\/) (°,,,°) (\/)

19 Posts
#2608 (1 month, 1 week ago)
I did a bit of work on the django code back in the day, in particular song upload/scanning/tuning stuff. How to put it -- it grew organically and some bits were rather convoluted. I'm not sure how much I could be of help, though freel free to ask if you have any questions about "my" corner of the project.

To be honest, I mulled over the idea to create a greenfield necta clone in golang, though I don't know much about frontend stuff. In my opinion python should not be used for anything with more than 1k lines of code

I gather from other posts that the current site code is not on a public repo? I wonder why?
Pages: 1

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