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Demoscene Holiday Card Exchange

Stencil cutout of a 5
The fifth annual card exchange is now open!

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General » 2nd Nectarine Holiday Card Exchange

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Author Thread
Laser cutter enthusiast

122 Posts
#995 (5 years, 2 months ago)
arrakis said: "Thanks Rapture: yeah some female memba of my familly signed it for y...So other XMAS cards never reached their goal ? "

Some participants PM'd their receipt of letters to the senders (at least in my case) and others may not be inclined to post publicly or photos. That's perfectly fine, though I do encourage the public stuff if only because I think people like seeing it.
Amiga&C64 rulez

306 Posts
#996 (5 years, 2 months ago)
Why STC: i posted to you, Nygen, STS136, Rapturion, and Mystra some postcard but only Rapture got his one ?

348 Posts
#997 (5 years, 2 months ago)
Mine seem to be held up, as so far I've only received mirrorbird's card.
Laser cutter enthusiast

122 Posts
#998 (5 years, 2 months ago)
I've received one from you and nyingen, but I'm a bit behind on posting them.

55 Posts
#999 (5 years, 2 months ago)
I received nyingen's card as well! Do I have all card now I think so yeppo!
Amiga&C64 rulez

306 Posts
#1000 (5 years, 2 months ago)
Ok so STS136 must be arrived too and NYGEN soon ?
Amiga&C64 rulez

306 Posts
#1001 (5 years, 2 months ago)
and mYSTRA???
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#1002 (5 years, 2 months ago)
Mail in general seems to be slower this year? I'm in another card exchange and my card to/from Russia hasn't arrived yet, neither has anyone's from Turkey at all.

13 Posts
#1003 (5 years, 2 months ago)
Just got sweet kiwi and christmass wishes from flagnyingen!

55 Posts
#1004 (5 years, 2 months ago)
Yay, got card by Silencer, plus additional Necta sticker and pixel graphics card, very nice, thanks!
Amiga&C64 rulez

306 Posts
#1005 (5 years, 2 months ago)
Russia is behind posting to USA since Iraq reaper strike !
Laser cutter enthusiast

122 Posts
#1010 (5 years, 2 months ago)
I've been a bit behind, so this is a roll up of all the ones I've gotten since I last posted.

A nice card from nyingen:

A nifty custom postcard I believe is from Tezar:

A card I got from arrakis:

and a fun card I got from kwandtum:

(mirrorbird already posted the inside of this one, but it's too fun not to post it again.)
It's-a me!

48 Posts
#1011 (5 years, 2 months ago)
Ah forgot to mention flagsilencer sent me a cool card from Argentina, plus "unauthorized" printout of a scene from his favorite demo

and flagkwandtum sent me the funny analog demo card as well!

13 Posts
#1012 (5 years, 2 months ago)
flagStarchaser yeah, that would be from be. I thought that I added text and sign to everyone's card :-/ Since it was custom printed+send I actually didn't physically get hold of the cards before they went away.
Little bummed that I trusted delivery times too much and apparently everyone has recieved their cards after the date... Well I promise that I will plan better next time.
Laser cutter enthusiast

122 Posts
#1013 (5 years, 2 months ago)
Oh, sorry, I should be a bit more clear. It wasn't blank, it had text on the back. Just no handle/name. However that's OK. I knew who it was from based on the origin country. (I don't usually post the insides or backs of cards, especially if they have personal messages on/in them.)

I'm quite sure I got the card over Christmas week so you did just fine; I just didn't get around to posting it until now. (I do mention above I'm late in posting.) There's no official deadline for sending, but I do suggest people try to get them out in earlyish December. I'll take that as a note for next year to be more clear.
Pages: 1 2 3 4

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