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PC-XMBrakew by flag LioZ (Thomas Bergersen)
Requested By: flagColidace

Time Left: 2:41

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Artist Info

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Location: flag Aurora, CO
Age : 29

Additional Information:

goluigi does OHCs regularly on various channels and sometimes even makes non ohc music

trackers used:
milkytracker, openmpt, renoise, famitracker

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Songs Connected To This Artist

Song Title Artist Song Length Status Vote Queue Last Request
PC-XMAIDS Valley 2 flag goluigi , flag ko0x 3:29 Active * 3.2 Log in to queue 2025-01-04
PC-XMB-licious flag goluigi 1:49 Rejected * 3.0 l Locked 2013-04-09
AMIGA-MODFlowergirl in Candyland flag goluigi 4:06 Rejected 3.2 l Locked 2013-04-09
PC-XMFlying Dog Teleports to Triangle Land flag goluigi 1:49 Rejected 3.5 l Locked 2013-04-09
PC-XMGee Copying Baycun Sure is Hard flag goluigi 2:50 Rejected * 3.8 l Locked 2013-04-10
PC-XMNo Hope for Dog flag goluigi 2:02 Rejected 3.5 l Locked 2013-04-10
PC-ITRecycle Your Instruments, It's Good for the Environment flag goluigi 1:28 Rejected * 2.7 l Locked 2013-04-09
PC-XMSpring of Bad Jokes flag goluigi 2:05 Rejected 3.2 l Locked 2013-04-09
PC-XMTribal Drummer Accidentally Launches Himself to an Outer Space Alien Canine Fest flag goluigi 1:26 Rejected * 3.5 l Locked 2013-04-10
MPTMZILA in space flag goluigi 2:56 Active 3.5 Log in to queue 2024-12-25