Sound of SceneSata Volume 1 Cover
Compilation Summary:
Name: The Sound of SceneSat Volume 1
Label: SceneSat
Release Date:
2 March 2009
Running Time: 256:37
Num. Disks: 4
Media Type: MP3, OGG, FLAC
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info
Added On:
4 Feb. 2012
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Compilation Details For The Sound of SceneSat Volume 1:
The people behind SceneSat Radio had a dream. A dream to bring the awesome music of the scene to a wider audience, a dream to show those who claim that all those hours in front of a computer never amounted to anything that out of those grueling hours came not only careers and carpal tunnel syndromes but beauty... and now that dream has come true. The SceneSat team has brought together some of the most brilliant arrangers and composers of the scene to create a compilation which will show the multi-faceted world of scene music, to celebrate the launch of the station and to show people what they can expect from the scene today and in the future. A wide range of musicians have participated to create a compilation filled with musical styles ranging from minimalistic electronica to floaty ambient through hard core metal via British indie to anthemic trance and heavy goa, making this one of the most versatile and intriguing collections of scene music ever to be released.
Compilation Artists:
Amok (Andreas Janke)
BeeZerk (Marek Szyszkowski)
Byproduct (Juhana Honkanen)
Chronberg (Per Chronberg)
Cordis [FI] (Ville Jaakola)
CZ Tunes (Christian Zwang)
Dafunk (Dejan Subotin)
DHS (Carlo Demichelis)
Drax (Thomas Mogensen)
E:mortal (Fredrik Johansson)
Firefox (Jimmy Fredriksson)
Firestorm (Panu Aaltio)
Floaf (Fredrik Löfman)
Hazel (Ketil Jensen)
Ic3m4n (Dennis Beuster)
Infamous (Chris Bailey)
J Krafft
Jogeir (Jogeir Liljedahl)
K-Line (Karl Svegare)
Katz (Kate Jones)
KEiTO (Paul Chadwick)
Lizardking (Gustaf Grefberg)
LMan (Markus Klein)
MadMax (CPI) (Rod Thacker)
Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren)
Moog (Sebastian Bachliński)
Mordi (Martin Wold Lande)
O2 (Carsten Ohlsen)
Oj Oscillation
Peter W (Peter Wennergren)
PowerTrace (Kent Walldén)
PsychNerD (Stephane Gervais)
Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen)
Terminal Storm (Stanislav Imamovic)
Tron (Erwin Beekveld)
Ugress (Gisle Martens Meyer)
WAVE (Jeroen Tel)
Willbe (William Lamy)
X-formZ (Fredrik Löfman + Ola Brandt)
Songs In This Production (51 Total) :
SceneSat Trance Anthem 2009 by
Dawnfall by
Dafunk (Dejan Subotin)
Aurora by
E:mortal (Fredrik Johansson)
Winter Skies by
Serpentfire by
Lizardking (Gustaf Grefberg)
Tribal Trip (OJ Oscillation Mix) by
Oj Oscillation
Golden Axe (remix) by
Ic3m4n (Dennis Beuster)
Innerverse by
Terminal Storm (Stanislav Imamovic)
Satellite by
Byproduct (Juhana Honkanen)
JT 42 by
O2 (Carsten Ohlsen)
So It Begins by
PowerTrace (Kent Walldén)
Don't Leave Me Baby by
LMan (Markus Klein)
Desert Dream Part 4 (Chillout Remix) by
Fist 2 (J Krafft Four Degrees Dub RMX) by
J Krafft
Mañana by
Katz (Kate Jones)
Midnight Redeem by
Dafunk (Dejan Subotin)
Fallen Angel by
E:mortal (Fredrik Johansson)
Second Shape of Sadness by
Floaf (Fredrik Löfman)
When I am C64 by
Drax (Thomas Mogensen)
Drama by
Ugress (Gisle Martens Meyer)
Big Deal by
Mordi (Martin Wold Lande)
Costa Calma (Sotavento Edit) by
DHS (Carlo Demichelis)
Water Puddles by
Malmen (Kristoffer Malmgren)
The Arctic Circle (66.56756 edition) by
X-formZ (Fredrik Löfman + Ola Brandt)
Voyager 1 by
PsychNerD (Stephane Gervais)
Commando Remix by
Firestorm (Panu Aaltio)
What The Fuck Is Going On (feat. Rod Thacker) by
WAVE (Jeroen Tel)
The Satellites We Love by
Hazel (Ketil Jensen)
Himalaya by
Willbe (William Lamy)
Tears (BeatBusta Mix) by
KEiTO (Paul Chadwick)
Legend Of Faerghail [title remix] by
CZ Tunes (Christian Zwang)
Thumper (Rediscovery) by
LMan (Markus Klein)
Panther feat. Beastie Boys by
Amok (Andreas Janke)
Tripfields by
Dafunk (Dejan Subotin)
Platoon (remix) by
Infamous (Chris Bailey)
The Crossing by
Jogeir (Jogeir Liljedahl)
The End of New Beginnings by
E:mortal (Fredrik Johansson)
CandyTron (feat. Lizette) by
Tron (Erwin Beekveld)
Alphawaves by
Peter W (Peter Wennergren)
Last Ninja 3 by
Moog (Sebastian Bachliński)
Solace (Chillout Edit) by
Cordis [FI] (Ville Jaakola)
Fall From Sky by
Firefox (Jimmy Fredriksson)
K-Line (Karl Svegare)
Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen)
Dropbox by
Dafunk (Dejan Subotin)
You Do by
PowerTrace (Kent Walldén)
Romeo Knight (Eike Steffen)
Funk Off by
Moog (Sebastian Bachliński)
The Children of Sputnik (Got The Power) by
Hazel (Ketil Jensen)
Max Returns by
MadMax (CPI) (Rod Thacker)
For Skyhigh (BeeZerk remix) by
BeeZerk (Marek Szyszkowski)
Good Night Green Beret (Peacemaker remix) by
Sidechain Confessor (Satellite Edit) by
DHS (Carlo Demichelis)
Zelda 1 (Chronberg's Relaxed Version) by
Chronberg (Per Chronberg)
Production Notes: CD 1 01. Brigane - Scenesat Trance Anthem 2009 02. Dafunk - Dawnfall 03. Emortal - Aurora 04. S-Wave - Winter Skies 05. Lizardking - Serpentfire 06. Human Simulation - Hunting 07. OJ Oscillation - Tribal Trip (LMan Remix) 08. Ic3m4n - Golden Axe 09. Terminal Storm - Innerverse 10. Byproduct - Satellite 11. o2 - JT 42 12. PowerTrace - So It Begins 13. LMan - Don't Leave Me Baby
CD 2 01. daXX - Desert Dream - Part 4 (Chillout Remix) 02. NauticDive - Deep Blue Eyes 03. J Krafft - Fist 2 (Four Degrees Dub RMX) 04. Katz - Mañana 05. Dafunk - Midnight Redeem 06. Emortal - Fallen Angel 07. Floaf - Second Shape of Sadness 08. DRAX - When I am c64 09. Ugress - Drama 10. Mordi - Big Deal 11. DHS - Costa Calma (Sotavento Edit) 12. Malmen - Water Puddles 13. X-formZ - Arctic Circles 14. PsychNerD - Voyager 1 15. Firestorm - Commando
CD 3 01. Jeroen Tel & Rod Thacker - WTFIGO 02. Hazel - The Satellites We Love 03. Willbe - Himalaya 04. KEiTO - Tears (BeatBusta Mix) 05. CZ-Tunes - Legend Of Faerghail (Title Remix) 06. LMan - Thumper (Rediscovery) 07. Amok - Panther 08. Dafunk - Tripfields 09. Infamous - Platoon (Scenesat Exclusive) 10. Jogeir Liljedahl - The Crossing 11. Emortal - The End of New Beginnings 12. Tron - CandyTron (feat. Lizette) 13. Peter W - Alphawaves 14. Moog - Last Ninja 3 15. Cordis - Solace (Chillout Edit) 16. BeeZerk - For Skyhigh 17. Firefox & K-line feat. Romeo Knight - Fall From Sky
CD 4 01. Dafunk - Dropbox 02. Peacemaker - Good Night Green Beret 03. PowerTrace feat.Romeo Knight - You Do 04. Moog - Funk Off 05. Hazel - The Children of Sputnik (Got The Power) 06. Chronberg - Zelda 1 (Relaxed Version) 07. DHS - Sidechain Confessor (Satellite Edit) 08. Rod Thacker - Max Returns 09. Thermostatic - Northern Ambulance (KarlMkIV Radio Mix) </td></tr></table><div class="screenshot"><a href="/demovibes/screenshot/20394/"><img src="/static/media/screenshot/thumb/sos1_cover.png" alt="SOS1" /></a> <span class="screenshotname">SOS1</span></div></div>