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Compilation Compilation: Music Contest 6

Compilation Summary:
Name: Music Contest 6
Release Date: 15 July 1998
Additional Info: Details Page
Download Link: Download Info

Added On: 19 March 2010
By: flagseppjo

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Compilation Details For Music Contest 6:

Welcome to Music Contest 6.

Music Contest is an annual competition. It is similar to a demo-party music compo, but is held on the Internet. Entries are collected online at our archive (The Hornet Archive).

There are three entry divisions in Music Contest 6: rookie, intermediate, and veteran. These different divisions exist so that musicians of any skill level can compete.

Entries are judged by the public. Anyone can register to vote. Songs are judged in five different categories: originality, form, technique, sample quality, and overall appeal. Scores for "overall appeal" count three times as much as other categories.

There is also an "MC6 Updates" newsletter available to keep you updated and informed about the contest. Click here for subscription information.
Music Contest 6 is organized by Christopher G. Mann (Snowman) of Hornet, Brett Neely (GD), and Jeremy Rice (JRice).

Christopher G. Mann (Snowman / Hornet)
30 Apr 1998

Compilation Artists:

Songs In This Production (16 Total) :

PC-ITAnd We Drown by flag Prufrock (Thomas Royal) Log in to queue
PC-XMThe Looser by flag Carlos (Gábor Csordás) Log in to queue
PC-XMThe Lamer's Ballad by flag kb (Tammo Hinrichs) Log in to queue
PC-XMSapphire Bullets by flag Norfair (Carl Åborg) Log in to queue
PC-XMRuminate by flag Agent Orange (Oleg Sharonov) Log in to queue
PC-XMRio De Brazil by flag GH (Gerard Hultink) Log in to queue
PC-XMNews-a-Tronic by flag Awesome (Victor Vergara Luján) Log in to queue
PC-XMMind of a Dreamer by flag BeaT (Seth Peelle) Log in to queue
PC-ITLovelight by flag Zauron (Gustav Espenes) Log in to queue
PC-ITLithium Bus Stop by flag Catspaw (Andrew Nissley) l Locked
PC-XMJay Walk by flag Boo (Ulf Dahl) Log in to queue
PC-ITEmpty Image by flag Sirrus (Bryan Rudge) Log in to queue
PC-ITDa Suite by flag Ari (Ariel Gross) Log in to queue
PC-XMBiohazard by flag Loonie (Ulf Liedberg) l Locked
PC-ITBahgdad Boogie by flag YanniS (Yannis Brown) Log in to queue
PC-XMVintage Vinyl by flag Pedro (Marco Pietribiasi) Log in to queue

Production Notes:

2. Must be original (no remixes or remakes of other songs, including your own).

3. Verified song title must appear in the module's title field. No other song text is allowed.

4. Unzipped file size must not exceed 1,000,000 bytes.

5. Follow the instructions in your entry verification email.

6. Entry must be uploaded and verified before 15 Jul 1998, 00:00 GMT.

7. Only one song may be entered per person.

8. Songs may not be released while they are still in the voting process.

Although we have tried to plan ahead for every possible situation, there may be changes during the contest. If there is a change, we will send an announcement to the mc6-updates newsletter, and update the MC6 Updates page. It is your responsibility to keep track of these updates.
</td></tr></table><div class="screenshot"><a href="/demovibes/screenshot/921/"><img src="/static/media/screenshot/thumb/mc6-6.gif" alt="Music Contest 6" /></a>
<span class="screenshotname">Music Contest 6</span></div></div>

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