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Panther [remix] by flag PG (Zdeněk Eisenhammer)
Requested By: flagLittleWhite

Time Left: 2:45

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Demoscene Holiday Card Exchange

Stencil cutout of a 5
The fifth annual card exchange is now open!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Which file formats can I upload?

Any format FFmpeg, BASS, OpenMPT or Hively Tracker support. Here are the most common formats, but by no means everything: mp3, ogg, mp4, aac, flac, opus, xm, mod, s3m, it, mtm, ahx, 669, med, okt, [...]

Wherever possible, upload the original format. For example, always upload the original MOD file for an Amiga MOD rather than a rendered version. Our playback software is not completely perfect, but it is always being improved.

If you must submit a rendered version of a track (for example, if a tune is in a format we cannot play directly), please use FLAC or Ogg/Vorbis at the appropriate bitrate.

Added by flagElrinth (Last Updated: 5 years, 7 months) [Full FAQ List]