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PC (other)Variform Have video by flag Little Bitchard (Arto Koivisto) , flag Mel Funktion (Tomi Jäkälä)
Requested By: flagHaCKa
In Compilations: Compilation 30 Years of Scenemusic 1986-2016, Compilation AV 12: The Twelves Signs, Compilation Demovibes 2: The Turbo Breakbeat Revenge
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Time Left: 6:17

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Group Information For Arsenic


Visit Group's Website
Last Updated: 12 April 2019
Added By: flagShinobi

I was very astonished to see "arsenic" added to csdb - because it was an amiga group in 1996 and 1997 founded by yazoo and axis of oxyron (we became 2nd at mekka&symposium 1997 with our demo "fear factory" - check it out now we decided to kick some asses on c64 under the arsenic label.

Active Group Songs:
SID (6581/8580)Outpost by flag Devilock (Peter Siekmann) Log in to queue
PC (other)Terra Cresta Remake by flag Devilock (Peter Siekmann) l Locked