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PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)An Aura Mix by flag Dark Angel (Frank Lautenbach)
Requested By: djrandom

Time Left: 5:55

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Label / Production Information For 8bitcollective

(Founded On: 20 June 2005 )
Shutdown Date: 29 Feb. 2012
Links: [Website]

Last Updated: 1 Nov. 2024
Added By: flagSTS-136

What is the 8bitcollective?
8bitcollective is the first completely open chiptune-related media repository and file sharing community.

We love chiptunes. We want more people to make chiptunes and we want more people to listen to chiptunes. That's why anyone can upload or download their chiptune-related media at

How did the 8bitcollective come to be?
The seeds of the 8bit collective were first planted when Jose Torres, a founder of noticed an large demand for a public and open chiptune upload site. Other sites such as had strict "quality filter" systems that prevented many great artists from gaining the exposure they deserved.

With some repurpose code and a lot of free bandwidth, Jose put together a file sharing site at which in months was receiving a steady stream of music submissions each day.

Time had passed, and the site went through a number of domains and layouts. Once the forums were introduced it was obvious that a faithful community of contributors had been fostering behind the somewhat anonymous submissions pouring into the site each day.

The new 8bitcollective aims to solidify the community through the membership system, giving our contributors a firmer presence in the community if they so desire.

Associated Songs:
PC-XM1566 by flag Algar (Jimmy Granath) , flag Xylo (Tom Offringa) Log in to queue
PC-XMBed & Breakfast by flag Joule (Joel Johansson) Log in to queue
PC-XMBursting Bubble Boy by flag Joule (Joel Johansson) Log in to queue
PC-XMCaroline in Neon (Hot Pants) by flag Joule (Joel Johansson) , flag ko0x Log in to queue
PC-XMCement by flag Algar (Jimmy Granath) Log in to queue
PC-XMDepression, but why? by flag Algar (Jimmy Granath) Log in to queue
Error in head by flag Algar (Jimmy Granath) Log in to queue
PC-XMGrls with Sunglasses (Brudar i Solglasögon) by flag Algar (Jimmy Granath) Log in to queue
NESHorf 5000 by flag xaimus (Imran Hameed) Log in to queue
Min Comeback by flag Algar (Jimmy Granath) l Locked
Nexus Have video by flag Derris-Kharlan (Nathan) Log in to queue
NESOatapult (extended botb ohc tune) by flag xaimus (Imran Hameed) l Locked
PC (other)R.O.B.O.T (Spacetribe ravers remix by algar) by flag Algar (Jimmy Granath) l Locked
PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Reason of Noise by flag MmcM (Sergey Kosov) Log in to queue
NESRetardation! by flag Zabutom (Niklas Sjösvärd) l Locked
PC-XMScandinavian Bastards Have video by flag Joule (Joel Johansson) Log in to queue
PC-XMSleigh Ride Have video by flag FearofDark (Stephen Hemstritch-Johnston) Log in to queue
Terapi by flag Algar (Jimmy Granath) Log in to queue
Theme for a Jump Goat by flag Derris-Kharlan (Nathan) l Locked
SID (6581/8580)Wednesday Chip by flag cTrix (Chris Mylrea) Log in to queue