Rapture (03:00:56) ok
wizard_clp (03:00:51) that of course, I stole from another mod... who probably stole it from somewhere else
wizard_clp (03:00:22) 70% of this song is the atmos brought by the sample you are now listening
Rapture (03:00:02)
wizard_clp (02:59:49) hahaha true... here comes again
Rapture (02:59:20) but why is terminator now funky?
Rapture (02:59:05) cool funky guitar sounds
wizard_clp (02:58:58) baseline is fully tracked on a simple sample I think... the old way
Rapture (02:58:47) maybe it comes from slight autism
Rapture (02:58:27) yes I know what u mean
Time Left: 3:53
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