MMX (20:27:56) Even a perfectly fine lithium ion battery can catch fire if power cells get damaged
Agemixer (20:27:53) Then my sickness just worsened because of tha
Agemixer (20:27:32) yeah mine was not bad but you guess: too much fire material. i was demanded to do the all the cleanup in just 1 month!!
mirrorbird (20:27:32) better get a Sinclair C5
mirrorbird (20:27:20) yeah, i don't know if he used a bad/cheap battery, or just built the bike sloppily somehow
MMX (20:27:16) except for LiFePo batteries but few people use them in bikes cause they are heavier and more expensive
MMX (20:26:48) e-bike batteries are huge and dangerous
mirrorbird (20:26:45) everyone escaped the house, but someone fell off the roof
MMX (20:26:26) also good it exploded while someone was around. imagine if it happened with noone home
mirrorbird (20:26:25) there was a house fire in the news here the other day: it was somebody's bike they had homebrew converted into an e-bike
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