The highest bass mostly defines you will hear this bass in your mobile phone speakers. Any of.
The simpler those upper waves, the better, the cleaner sound.
This was mixing-wise, notyet mastering stage. It comes the last
Are you still following until there?
It is just for giving it a tad bit bass "boost" but without bass boost FX actually. Easier to handle or kill at times, when you wanted only the sharper ones to get heard
The basic idea that the basetoned SUB bass stays just comping the actual bass the higher ones, usually plays 2 times slower for some examples to make it sound good (in a mix)
Or you have it 2 octaves higher, depends of what kind of tone you like
This way you can also make the bass modified over time. THE ACTUAL NOTE can be of the same low frequency anyway - then it is just low but sharp spikes on that high bass layer
The hi bass can be of 1 tone whatever waveform as well as the high-bass layer does the extra sparkles on top of that. Some trance styles is a good example the sound but can be made like this for any genre of course
..or want to hear in the arrangement, basically.