Rapture (18:04:28) saubär = female pig bear
noodi10 (18:04:26) those are a bit more...FUNKY
noodi10 (18:04:16) ive made posters for chiptune events too
Rapture (18:04:15) ordentlich und sauber
noodi10 (18:04:04) so i make sure things look neat, but also creaitve etc
noodi10 (18:03:43) nothing super realistic though
HexaDecimator (18:03:39) woah a typesetter
noodi10 (18:03:31) but i also can draw, i do that for fun
noodi10 (18:03:21) arrangign the fonts, setting up printing files, making sure it looks ordentlich und sauber
Rapture (18:02:58) ah ok
Time Left: 4:28
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