Rapture (22:46:45) egg-lectic and egg-centric
Rapture (22:26:53) not electric... if at all, a bit eclectic : D
Rapture (22:26:11) d'aww that was so embarassing...! Next time I'll think of Mister and Mrs Boss E-Goose ^_^ (E=Egyptian, not electronic ^.^)
Rapture (22:25:43) In goose park, I ran out of corn BEFORE king and queen e-goose arrived/saw me...
Rapture (22:25:12) HIYA!
noodi10 (21:06:17)
franz_opa (21:03:14) dog https://cdn.masto.host
noodi10 (21:01:20) i love wiklund
noodi10 (20:42:08)
juN3bula (20:38:08)
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