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PC (other)One And Only (maybe) by flag Ic3m4n (Dennis Beuster)
Requested By: djrandom

Time Left: 2:20

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Song Information

PC (other)Asian Legends

Author: flag Reyn Ouwehand

Uploaded By: flagElrinth

Song Length: 7:52
Song Status: Active *
Song Bitrate: 192 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)

Additional Information:

Track #10 from Reyn's album "Nexus 6581".

Last Queued : 1 day, 2 hours ago

This song has been played 382 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 9 months ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 4.6 - Votes Placed: 235 View Voting History
A total of 167 users have this song on their favourites list.

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nice track, yeah


Simply EPIC

symptomless coma

"Legend of Kage" theme is in there too.




I don't know why everyone is waxing "EPIC!" about this tune. In 1949 in the USA, a department store called Montgomery Ward created a Christmas jingle called "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" designed to appeal to children and get them to whine to their parents about going into the shop to see the Christmas displays.

Somehow this song began to be considered a "Christmas song" and is now thought of as being canonical. So the likes of Mariah Carey, Angelina Jolie, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Rita Ora, etc record overproduced, overdone versions of it on Christmas albums, which get played in every fucking supermarket, department store, and radio station in December.

Let's think about this -- a kids' jingle being belted out as if it were serious music by professional singers.

That's what Last Ninja is, that's what this remix is, and that's what every overproduced quasi-scene rehash of it is!!!!

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