Agemixer (02:44:26)
Agemixer (02:44:21) !!!
Agemixer (02:43:19) yeah glass is ecologic, not toxic but harmful in pieces
mirrorbird (02:31:35) & no more plastic drinking-straws
mirrorbird (02:31:18) we have mostly 'attacked' plastics here (e.g. supermarkets cannot give away plastic bags for free)
mirrorbird (02:31:05) hmm... seems surprising
Agemixer (02:27:31) here is no more glass bottles at all. All new bottles are of plastic now
Agemixer (02:19:35) in case of fire
Agemixer (02:18:55) why glass wool insulator, it does not start burn that easily
Agemixer (02:15:59) insulator elements (whoa i was able to translate that i guess) for several few ten years... like 60's onwards i guess. At least 80's onwards
Time Left: 4:16
A history of play requests for song Eurobeat