Rapture (00:40:51) very helpful, too!
Rapture (00:40:41) made a support ticket to a orch lib dev, and got a reply within 5 minutes! wow!
Rapture (00:40:19) hello dr. snuggles!
snuggles (00:40:08) Hello´s to all, latenight hellos...
Rapture (00:03:56) hello conny. this is my umbrella
Rapture (23:28:00) greets from and to
Rapture (23:27:58) corrected everything
Rapture (22:22:01) eguitar (sound) not liked? ah oki
Rapture (22:21:49) ah got good feedback on actual song
Rapture (22:02:46) to joy zunior
Time Left: 3:45
This tune was removed per artist's request