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SID (6581/8580)Dead Lock Have video by flag Flex (Antti Hannula)
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Song Information

PC (other)Christ Rejecters

Author: flag Mel Funktion (Tomi Jäkälä)

Song Length: 4:41
Release Year: 2003
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 192 kbps
Song Source: Compo Entry
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)

Additional Information:

I want to look at this section this evening, and consider the fate of Christ rejecters. The scene in this chapter is the final moment of this age, as the Lord Himself comes to judge the earth and to stand in power and triumph. In a spiritual sense you can look on the forehead, look upon the mind, look upon the thinking, the will, and you will see the marks of those who have rejected Christ, those who have set aside the revelation of this book [to walk with?] Jesus.

In the verse 9 we read "The third angel followed, saying with a loud voice, if any man worship the beast and his image and receive his mark, then the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God". But even surrounded by all the evidences of the fact that this world is headed toward an encounter with an angry God, there are men and women who still need more, and God is [faithful?], and right at the end there's a proclamation of warning. Here's the fate of any who will throw their lot in with the forces of Antichrist and reject the Saviour.

These warnings are part of the everlasting Gospel. [We/You?] have a reference to that in the verse 6. One of the angels, one of the messengers ??? sees, in this section of the vision, these messengers from God acting as the heralds of Christ who is on His way at this point -- he's coming! -- there are these heavenly messengers preceding Him with words of warning in the very dying moments of time.

He is the everlasting God ???. There is only one Gospel, only one Gospel. It's everlasting, unchanging, and it's a message that contains a warning, a warning of the wrath of God ???. A mercy from the Lord ??? to the most unworthy of sinners. The time of which we are reading here is a time when men will have plunged and plummeted into the very depths of depravity, ??? when mankind has reached ???. This is the reality that every Christ rejecter needs to [face up to?] ???. The wrath of God ...???

A sea of glass, glass, glass, mingled with fire.

The very moment of the final outpouring of the wrath of God has come, and heaven itself is tinged with the very colour of that fire. And them that have gotten the victory over the beast and over his image and over his mind and over the number of his names stand on the sea of glass, having the hearts of God. And they sing -- the hearts of God. And they sing -- and they sing -- and they sing -- and they sing.

Last Queued : 3 months, 3 weeks ago

This song has been played 39 times. [See Request History]
It was added 15 years, 3 months ago.

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Song Rating: 1.9 - Votes Placed: 40 View Voting History
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symptomless coma

ASMR of the devil. Underrated!