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PC (other)Why So Serious (dAfUNK remix) Have video by flag Dafunk (Dejan Subotin)
Requested By: flagLittleWhite

Time Left: 4:24

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Song Information

PC-RenoiseSend me an Angel

Author: flag Oliwerko (Oliver Meres)

Uploaded By: flagOliwerko

Song Length: 5:14
Release Year: 2010
Song Status: Active *
Song Bitrate: 256 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform: PlatformPC-Renoise

Last Queued : 7 months, 1 week ago

This song has been played 24 times. [See Request History]
It was added 14 years, 11 months ago.

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Song Rating: 3.0 - Votes Placed: 22 View Voting History
A total of 3 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Song Comment

Loved that song back in the 80s


Loved that song back in the 80s

Unplayed Requester™

This song contains samples from the video game "Thief 2: The Metal Age". During the mission "Life of the party", the player encounters a group of guards talking about a Lady Van Vernon. Her loyal archers at her place in southern Dayport consider her, "A saint among mortal women. An angel so pure the heavens couldn't hold her!" But the archers of Master Willey on the opposite of the street accuse her of being a whore, stating, "Your Lady, an 'angel?' You're lucky the Dockside whorekeeps aren't bashing down her door for stealing their clientele. Why, just last night, I saw her out back, warming up the stable-boy."

I like scene music. How 'bout you?

I really like this remix. I just wish the "angelic choir" part of the song was a little more melodic. Otherwise? It's very good!