Rapture (17:57:57) greets to: Rapture
Rapture (17:57:50) mirror EXAKT! (german hard word, luv it)
Agemixer (17:57:47) meow: meow!
mirrorbird (17:57:41) what's your streetcat like, Rapture? what colour?
Rapture (17:57:22) ehh.. i mean age!
Rapture (17:57:18) ultra greetz to mirror, meow, seymour
Rapture (17:57:08) seymour
Agemixer (17:56:51) meow
mirrorbird (17:56:21) yeah a quack is a fraudulent doctor
Seymour (17:56:12) I'm happy because you love cats. And so many other animals.
Time Left: 2:18
A history of play requests for song Alen(e) med venner