Rapture (03:28:12) too much resonance filtering.
Rapture (03:28:05) although the lead is MOST ANNOYING.
Rapture (03:26:21) malmen teddybear
Rapture (03:26:05) she has such a cute voice
Rapture (03:25:58) i wanna cuddle the e-goose female chiefie now
Rapture (03:24:40) teddy bear
Rapture (03:23:36) it got hexa decimated!
HexaDecimator (03:22:29) tragic
Rapture (03:22:19) it failed yeppo
Agemixer (03:19:49) Rap: What failed? To finish a megasong or something..?
Time Left: 2:10
List over votes for the song Boundless