Agemixer (21:55:39) and btw it could ve the TAB key of your pc should act as a Ctrl key....bif PC Ctrl key doesnt
mirrorbird (21:54:52) Flex (Antti Hannula) the face looks familiar. "yer not on the list, yer not coming in"
Agemixer (21:54:41) i love making these surprises so i guess i succeeded
Agemixer (21:54:16) hehehe
mirrorbird (21:53:56) it was a pleasant moment
Agemixer (21:53:54) you can even load another tune during playing
mirrorbird (21:53:45) i wasn't expecting a visual player screen (when it went black with options), i thought it would just be a play routine and i would keep typing in basic
Agemixer (21:53:29) while listening to some SID.
Agemixer (21:53:10) btw why i made my driver like that, it allows you use the standard (or expanded) c64 basic
Agemixer (21:51:47) i remember something
Time Left: 3:14
A history of play requests for song Instant Replay