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Song Information

PC-ITSign of the Hammer

Author: flag Malekith (Lionel Gendre)

Uploaded By: flagSpiral

Song Length: 3:39
Song Status: Inactive
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform: PlatformPC-IT

Additional Information:


Music and lyrics by Manowar
Covered by Malekith for The Wicker Man's Manowar tribute

All guitar & bass recordings, editing, tracking, orchestration and stuff
by Malekith. Vocals sung by BHS.

This song was started several months ago, and only last week I managed to
record the definitive guitars. Moreover, from the beginning I wanted to
include custom bass samples, because DeMaio's incredible playing is an
important part of Manowar's genius and can't be covered with my usual
single-sample bass instrument :) So that song required lots of work, some
of the vocals were really satan to sing properly (that evil high "Black
is the wind !!!") but finally, I'm quite pleased with the result.

And for the usual Children Of The Rising Sun news (I guess you have begun
being bored with this, but don't worry, only two songs are currently
incomplete) : well, choir recordings were slowed down because of year end
exams... Usually, only few (less than 25%) of the recordings are good,
most are slightly out of time or out of tune, and the smallest error can
easily cause chaos in choir recordings...

There are some changes from the original songs : the two guitars,
orchestrations in the chorus, intro and outro which were shortened...
Die-hard Manowar fans will certainly notice that this version is closer to
their live performance on the Hell On Wheels CD than to the original '84
version... mainly because that live album truly amazed me with its almost
perfect sound, the beauty and the ass-kicking power of their
interpretation of the old anthems, even if it mainly depends on Adams's
vocal condition...

So enough babbling now, it's time to let Manowar's magic speak by itself.
Hail & Kill, and have fun !

Special thanks go to BHS for his vocals.

A loud and proud Hail to : Wicker Man, BHS, Cadaver, Cthulhu, Chakotay,
Einherjar, Holyblood, Darkium and everyone from the Metalscene or
#metaltrax - Skarf, Wogoethe and all the Goats of the present, past and
future - all my brothers from Meuhtal (A POIL LES OUUUUUUUURS !!!) and,
last but not least, each and every metal fan of and out of this world.
Keep the faith ! Soon the day will come.....

Damn, should go to bed :)


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The Spell has been broken, the Curse has been lifted
Black is the Wind on the heels of the Gifted
Four sworn a Vengeance, see the Hate in our eyes
Called by the Gods and given a Sign

Onward pounding, into Glory ride
Sign of the Hammer, be my Guide
Final warning, all stand aside
Sign of the Hammer, it's my time

Pounding, pounding, we are back from the dead
Those who denied us are delivered instead
Into the hands of Four sworn to ride
Now the People will triumph and live by the Sign

(repeat chorus)

The Spell has been broken, the Curse has been lifted
Black is the Wind on the heels of the Gifted
Four sworn a Vengeance, see the Hate in our eyes
Called by the Gods and given a Sign

Onward pounding, into Glory ride
Sign of the Hammer, be my Guide
Final warning, all stand aside
Old men and young boys... it's my time

Sign of the Hammer, be my Guide...

Last Queued : 11 years, 3 months ago

This song has been played 6 times. [See Request History]
It was added 13 years, 2 months ago.

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Song Rating: 2.3 - Votes Placed: 26 View Voting History
A total of 1 users have this song on their favourites list.

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