
Song Information
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Song Length: 2:30
Release Year: 1999
Song Status: Active
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Additional Information:
Silence - By Nobuyuki.
Made in 9 hours
On May 22, 1999
With the amasing MODplug TRACKER!
Version 1.1 Created Sep. 21
Note: This song has just
been edited for an intro.
Play this in IT and see the
suprise ending!
Heya everyone, I hope you enjoyed my little song,
Inspired devinely as a mix of heavy metal with
that futuristic sound you get from playing F-Zero,
and just a hint of jap style reminiscent of Super
Valis 4. The song is called "Silence" because it
sounds like Silence from F-Zero! I hope you enjoyed it!
Greets fly out to these people:
RaN, for without him I would think I am not progressing.
RxEx, because I taught him how to track :)
The Nuke, because he has reviewed most of my music,
The Shad0w, because this is the stuff he goes for!
K-Styles, who does music for my games and it sounds nice!
And finally, SEPH ! Thanks for the anime faces man!!
Also, some September greetings to my #k&p buddies:
RanmaGuy: Lets do that RPG!
Zenith: Thanks for testing MAGNUM!
Rikus, Sean, Alx-C and Puffin
Members of POCK: Hope you do well!
Mr.JL: Thanks with the saving code!
Leion: Long time no see...
Walkerton: Update KNP adventure!
ThePython: WHATS UP?
And finally, RAZ! For the core engine to MAGNUM,
My newest game!
Everyone else who TALKS to me respectfully!
Visit these pages:
Anime games....
Some of my old mods are here, as well..
The best of Nobuyuki!
Umm.. thats all for now..! have a good one people-
1999 Nobuyuki.
Last Queued : 3 weeks, 6 days ago
This song has been played 22 times. [See Request History]
It was added 12 years ago.
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Song Rating: 2.4 - Votes Placed: 14 View Voting HistoryA total of 0 users have this song on their favourites list.
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