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Song Information

SID (6581/8580)The New Frontier (Theme from Bedroom to Billions) Have video

Author: flag Max Hall , flag Rob Hubbard

Uploaded By: flagserpent

Song Length: 6:07
Release Year: 2014
Song Status: Moved
Song Bitrate: 320 kbps
Song Legacy Flag: R
Song Source: Demo
Song Platform: PlatformSID (6581/8580)

Additional Information:

Originally done in 2013 but released in a demo in 2014.

(Will be) used in documentary film by British filmmakers Anthony Caulfield and Nicola Caulfield that tells the story of the British video games industry from 1979 to the present day.

From Bedrooms to Billions is scheduled for release in May 2014.

"Rob wrote the music, and was sat next to me when we did the SID version, so is by myself and Rob hubbard. Hope that clarifies the point. Rob obviously has not got his source code and assemblers etc, so needed help in making the SID."

- Max Hall

Last Queued : 1 year, 5 months ago

This song has been played 56 times. [See Request History]
It was added 11 years, 2 months ago.

Extra Resources: Pouet

Song Rating

Song Rating: 3.7 - Votes Placed: 42 View Voting History
A total of 8 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information


That Demo with the New Hubbard Tune
That Demo with the New Hubbard Tune

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User Comments

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Amiga&C64 rulez

Not requesting available,

Steadily at the low level

Now when Hubbard has forgotten how he programmed his music, I wonder if anyone can get such sound out of SID that he used in the 1980s. It was totally different when compared to that modern SID sound developed in Denmark and Holland which arrived around the time when Hubbard was himself leaving the C64 business.