
Song Information
Tags for song:
Ableton Alarm Breakbeat gunshotRelated songs:

HHC MegaMix by

Infamous (Chris Bailey)

Song Length: 4:12
Release Year: 2011
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 1585 kbps
Song Source: Musicdisk
Song Platform:
PC (other)
Additional Information:
Made entirely using Ableton 6, A handful of vsti's (mainly the massive and the sylenth1), some old ragga calls I had lying about on my hard drive and the usual cut up drum loops and a fair few crates of beer and cigarettes.
Done simply because its the sort of music I grew up with and its the sort of music I started out writing and always find myself drawn too and in the "scene" pretty much what im best known for.
Shouts to everyone at scene sat, remix 64, retro remakes, alex aris, ovine, retrospec, psytronik, all the spanish remakers ive worked with who's names are too numerous and well.. spanish for my pathetic english brain to remember (but they know who they are), my friends on facebook, anyone thats a fan, my twitter buddies, dan franklin, bassline junkie, anyone who has ever supported the scene, and even those that don't and my mum .. just because she's my mum.
Last Queued : 1 month ago
This song has been played 25 times. [See Request History]
It was added 11 years ago.
Song Rating
Song Rating: 3.2 - Votes Placed: 16 View Voting HistoryA total of 4 users have this song on their favourites list.
Compilation / Remix Information
This Song Is Listed In The Following Compilations:
The Sound of SceneSat Volume 2
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