prowler (07:41:22) Every request a success, every platform a wonder, every artist a genius. I love Nectarine!
prowler (07:38:49) Thank god it's Monday. Another glorious day in eu
Colidace (07:32:47) Hi Nectas
LittleWhite (07:20:12) Hello prowler \ o /
prowler (07:18:20) Morning LittleWhite \o/
LittleWhite (06:10:42) Hey DennyItaly
DennyItaly (06:09:53) morning o/
LittleWhite (05:56:59) Sleep well HexaDecimator
HexaDecimator (05:54:12) goodnight
HexaDecimator (05:37:25) also ow the interpolation on this one kills the samples
Time Left: 3:58
List over votes for the song Triton Theme