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PSG AY-3-891x/YM2149 (CPC, ST, ZX)Hardsync 01I by flag 505 (Nils Feske)
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Song Information

WildDeutschland Muss Sterben (Slime Cover)

Author: flag Sputnik Booster (Oliver Kraus)

Uploaded By: flagAcci

Song Length: 4:54
Release Year: 2008
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 152 kbps
Song Source: Remix
Song Platform: PlatformWild

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Original song by punk rock band Slime. The title is an allusion to "Deutschland muß leben, und wenn wir sterben müssen" (Germany must live, even if we must die), a line in the 1914 poem Soldatenabschied (Soldier`s Farewell) by the German poet Heinrich Lersch. Nazi propaganda dictated that the country is more important than an individual life. Slime's song title states the inverse: One's own life is not worth sacrificing it for the country.

German lyrics:

Wo Faschisten und Multis das Land regieren
Wo Leben und Umwelt keinen interessieren
Wo alle Menschen ihr Ich verlieren
Da kann eigentlich nur noch eins passieren

4x Deutschland muß sterben, damit wir leben können!

Schwarz ist der Himmel, Rot ist die Erde
Gold sind die Hände der Bonzenschweine
Doch der Bundesadler stürzt bald ab
Denn Deutschland, wir tragen dich zu Grab

Wo Faschisten und Multis das Land regieren
Wo Leben und Umwelt keinen interessieren
Wo alle Menschen ih Ich verlieren
Da kann eigentlich nur noch eins passieren

4x Deutschland muß sterben, damit wir leben können!
4x Deutschland muß sterben, damit wir leben können!

Wo Panzer und Raketen den Frieden "sichern"
AKWs und Computer das Leben "verbessern"
Bewaffnete Roboter überall
Doch Deutschland, wir bringen dich zu Fall

4x Deutschland muß sterben, damit wir leben können!
4x Deutschland verrecke, damit wir leben können!

English translation:

Where fascists and multinationals rule the country
Where life and environment are of no interest
Where all people lose their individuality
There only one thing can happen

4x Germany must die, so that we can live!

Black is the sky, red is the earth
Gold are the hands of the bigwigs
But the federal eagle will soon fall
Because Germany, we carry you to the grave

Where fascists and multinationals rule the land
Where life and environment are of no interest
Where all people lose their individuality
There only one thing can happen

4x Germany must die, so that we can live!
4x Germany must die, so that we can live!

Where tanks and rockets "secure" peace
Nuclear power plants and computers "improve" life
Armed robots everywhere
But Germany, we will bring you down

4x Germany must die so that we can live!
4x Germany must die, so that we can live!

Last Queued : 2 months ago

This song has been played 20 times. [See Request History]
It was added 8 years, 2 months ago.

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Song Rating: 2.5 - Votes Placed: 20 View Voting History
A total of 2 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Song Comment
Unplayed Requester™

Rejected because of political (anti-fascism) lyrics.

Unplayed Requester™

Activated on 2019-12-13, two years and three months after I uploaded the song.


Disregarding the message, still 1 star.