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PC (other)Forgotten Tides - Town Theme & Battle by flag Virt (Jake Kaufman)
Requested By: flagMMX

Time Left: 5:47

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Song Information

PC (other)Dickbot Does Sundown 2016 Explicit content

Author: flag Aldroid GroupSlipstream

Uploaded By: flagMrsBeanbag

Song Length: 3:19
Release Year: 2016
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 499 kbps
Song Source: Demo
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)

Additional Information:

From the (Windows) demo of the same name, 1st place in New School Demo Competition at Nova 2016

Once upon a time, when I was slightly wonky,
I found something nice: I got my dick stuck in a donkey.
Folks making tea with hot water and newts.
On the UK scene, I established my roots.

I wanted to put my dick in things so bad,
Hoping to feel something I'd never felt.
Apparently some people make productions.
I wooed them with robot seductions.

I wanted to put my dick in every concave receptacle:
Animal, vegetable, mineral, and abstract conceptacles.
I fell in love with Evilbot.
He was so passionate, and his teeth were hot.

At Slipstock I submitted a new-school production,
Proudly displaying my erection,
But Evilbot-san would not be wooed:
He thought my manhood rather lewd.

Testing, testing, one, two. Silence. Order.
If Evilbot can do it then so can I.
My ??? and I won't lie.
??? starts here. The time is near.
I would not buy the beer.

Evilbot, it's all your fault. You should have returned my calls,
If you only cared, my love. Now I will crush you ???
I will find you in the scene, ??? creation.
Only full-screen Guru Meditation.
You like Chinese food? I will eat it all.
There will not be a single chicken ball.

What do we want? Dickbot!
When do we want it? ...???...
What do we want? Dickbot!
When do we want it? ...???... sucking an ostrich.

Do-doo, do doo. Right!

Last Queued : 4 months, 1 week ago

This song has been played 42 times. [See Request History]
It was added 7 years ago.

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Song Rating

Song Rating: 1.4 - Votes Placed: 28 View Voting History
A total of 0 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Comments

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Mrs Beanbag

makes more sense with the animation


Umm... honestly the animation also makes little sense, and the volume of the voice-over in the demo is too low vis-a-vis the music for me to even properly hear it.

Nostalgic BBS Sysop - v2.0

lame, waste of time if one believes in linear time...

☠ Fight all the ninjas!

Truly, "When you're happy, you enjoy the music - but when you're sad, you understand the lyrics" as they say

symptomless coma

You can hear the 'vocalist' trying not to laugh