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AMIGA-MODDubbelfel4 by flag Dubmood (Kalle Jonsson)
Requested By: djrandom

Time Left: 2:25

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Song Information

PC (other)Vercors

Author: flag Mosaik (Jakob Svanholm)

Uploaded By: flagSTS-136

Song Length: 5:08
Release Year: 2013
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 848 kbps
Song Source: Commercial CD
Song Platform: PlatformPC (other)

Additional Information:

Track 5 from Mosaik's 2013 CD "Aerials"

On Bandcamp at:


released November 27, 2013

All tracks written and produced by Jakob Svanholm
Track 2 & 6 words and vocals by Hans van Vliet
Track 4 vocals by Maria Seger
Mastered by Christopher Leary at Melograf Mastering
Coverart and design by Antony Squizzato

Last Queued : 1 month, 3 weeks ago

This song has been played 85 times. [See Request History]
It was added 6 years, 2 months ago.

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Song Rating: 4.3 - Votes Placed: 29 View Voting History
A total of 16 users have this song on their favourites list.

Compilation / Remix Information


Mosaik - Aerials
Mosaik - Aerials

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That part, when the arpeggio sets in and gets faster - Absolutely fantastic!!! Reminds me of my story scene, where the main character (dog) is lifted up by two geese to fly (kinda therapeutic treatment) which was absolutely fantastic to write that together with ChatGPT, and making pictures with text-to-image AI alongside it. It's all absolutely fascinating! Writing that scene, listening to Mosaik's music... made me wanna book a Hang Glider course to test it - flying through the air and soaring through the sky, similar to my story scene. Wohoooooooooooo!!!!!!


Listen to this part of the track loud. The Dobermann holds onto the feet of two geese in my story, on a cliff near the ocean.

2:12 Goose male, to the dog: "Ok, get ready. Hold on tight."
2:16 Goose female, to the dog: "Rermember, don't ever let go, concentrate and focus on your grip, once we're in the air, got it?"
2:20: Dog swallows and nods "Understood."
2:29 Heart of Dobermann beats faster and faster...... excitement... adrenaline rushing....
2:36 Geese flapping wings faster, while dog grips tighter on the webbed feet of both geese hovering in midair above the dog
2:40: Goose: "AND OFF WE GO......!!!!!!!" - Dog: "WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......!!!!!!!!!!!!"
2:45 Dog: "We're flying!!!" dangling below the geese in midair, surveying the ocean...

Holy sh*t.... I have to re-read that part of my story.


2:16 *Remember
2:38 Dog pushes/kicks against the floor for additional updrift as told by the geese, I forgot that part.