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PC-ITFull Flavored by flag Abaddon (Timo Taipalus)
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Time Left: 1:42

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Song Information

In flan abec Targhan

Author: flag Kangaroo MusiQue (Thorsten Mitschele)

Uploaded By: flagKangarooMusiQue

Song Length: 2:18
Release Year: 2019
Song Status: Active
Song Bitrate: 320 kbps
Song Source: Compo Entry
Song License:

Additional Information:

KM says: "A Party in France (Coutance) where I ate some flan (a pudding) with Targhan (a CPC musician) and my first French words"

Je mange un flan avec Targhan
Je mange un flan avec Targhan
Le flan était bon, pas les carottes
Mais je n'ai pas aimé le tracker de Targhan

I'm eating a flan with Targhan
I'm eating a flan with Targhan
The flan was good, the carrots were not
But I didn't like Targhan's tracker

Last Queued : 1 month, 2 weeks ago

This song has been played 19 times. [See Request History]
It was added 5 years, 11 months ago.

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Song Rating: 3.3 - Votes Placed: 14 View Voting History
A total of 0 users have this song on their favourites list.

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User Comments

User Song Comment
Amiga&C64 rulez

"Mon flan avec Targhan
Je mange (i eat)
du flan (pudding)
With Targhan
Le flan était bon pas les carottes (french joke gastronomic i guess)

mais je n'ai pas aimé le tracker de Thargan (but i did not like the thargan's tracker)"

Tristes paroles


Mwouarf... it's so 80ies ; )

Amiga&C64 rulez

Flan = pudding

Sounds like CyborgJeff musax

