
Song Information
Tags for song:
2000 Paradox RussianSpeakRelated songs:

Phantom Lord (Dmitriy Selin)
Accept Corp.

Song Length: 4:10
Release Year: 2000
Song Status: Active
Song Source: Demo
Song Platform:
Additional Information:
4th place in PC demo competition at Paradox 2000.
1st soundtrack from "Lege Artis" demo by Accept Corp.
Lyrics (Russian):
Улицы тихи, окна разбиты, слышимый хруст костей
Дракула мёртвый, ада посланник, ждёт у себя гостей
Белые жрицы, слуги-убийцы, рады восставшему дню
Раб преисподней, граф Вампир, в замке ждёт жертву свою
В пропасти тёмной, завистью кровной, возле могилы отцов
Дракула мёртвый хочет пополнить собственный мир мертвецов
Ради блаженства, солнца защитник, граф будет кровь глотать
Плотью (?) тебя лишь для того, чтобы её порвать
The streets are silent, the windows are broken, the crunch of bones is audible
Dracula is dead, a messenger from hell, waiting for guests
White priestesses, servant-killers, rejoice at the rising day
The slave of the underworld, Count Vampire, is waiting for his victim in the castle
In the dark abyss, blood envy, near the grave of the fathers
Dracula the dead wants to replenish his own world of the dead
For the sake of bliss, protector of the sun, the count will swallow blood
Flesh of you only to tear it
Last Queued : 5 months, 3 weeks ago
This song has been played 8 times. [See Request History]
It was added 1 year, 6 months ago.
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Song Rating: 2.1 - Votes Placed: 10 View Voting HistoryA total of 1 users have this song on their favourites list.
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