doh (19:34:47) A bit like Linus or Hein, what define my music best is being crazy. To me "Missing you" lacks that craze, I prefer "Comme ça du mod".
Stinsen (19:34:26) we are
serpent (19:34:15) i love it too
serpent (19:34:01) yeah we are too weak to easy melodies
Stinsen (19:33:07) i cry everytime i hear it
serpent (19:32:51) kind of cheesy and so on but anyway
serpent (19:32:30) yeah Stinsen, i love that
serpent (19:32:14) the right kind of hi tech of mods with the emotion
Stinsen (19:31:59) i think my favorite mod is Gateway
serpent (19:30:41) archon did more technical mods, Dizzy made more jazzy mods but "missing you" has the emotion
Time Left: 2:19
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