Rapture (05:15:09) gettin sleepy
Rapture (05:12:53) oh broken. shrugs. soon played thru da E.D. Gamecube game (again)
Rapture (05:11:44) ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╦╗╔╗╔╗╥╔╗╔╗ ║║╠╝║░╨║╨╔╣║░║║║╠╝ ║║╚╝╚╝░║░╚╣║░╨║║╚╝ ╨░░░░░░╨░░░╨░░░╨░░
Rapture (05:11:04) jun3bula really knows how to post pics on song comments
Rapture (05:05:36)
Rapture (05:05:31) Rove!
Rapture (05:00:56) giana sisters on commodore c16plus4 looks nice. sound is like atari st
Rapture (05:00:06) oh many xerion reqs today
Rapture (05:00:01) care, no otherwise I'd have many awards. does it make ppl jelly? yes
Rapture (04:53:42) do I care? yes, no, yes, no. pulls hair. lol
Time Left: 3:19
List over votes for the song Naemal Systems Implants