Rapture (23:13:16) still.. sonic 1 and 2 are easier.
Rapture (23:13:11) got it.
Rapture (23:13:10) you have to TRY TRY TRY... to make progress
Rapture (23:13:04) This is a 90s video game !!!!!!!!!
Rapture (23:12:58) A SIMPLE RUN WITH 1 TRY ????????
Rapture (23:12:53) but hey... what the fuck do I expect?
Rapture (23:12:48) and I saved not in casio stage 1 in sonic 3, need a pause.
Rapture (23:12:40) i have 1 ring left and 1 life left. arf
mirrorbird (23:11:09) pork pies
Rapture (23:10:54) hi mirrorMANIA.
Time Left: 4:40
A history of play requests for song Bad News