mirrorbird (23:48:44) popup loading is the smalest problem of nectarine
STS-136 (23:48:15) I think the fact that the Smileys panel loads slowly is a sign we need http2
mirrorbird (23:48:12) when they make me do web site stuff at client i sometimes take "lunch break" at the Retreat, and a guinness, ha ha.
STS-136 (23:48:03)
mirrorbird (23:47:37) it's very easy to say. but sometimes you just need to step outside and (scuse language) fuck off
mirrorbird (23:46:30) ps. your name isn't pronounceable
mirrorbird (23:46:16) gimme a big christmas hug stissy
mirrorbird (23:46:05) "why can't you just get along in this house" WELL IT'S THEORETICALLY POSSIBLE oh my god
STS-136 (23:45:53) lol
STS-136 (23:45:51) well tbf those two get along fine
Time Left: 2:39
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