mirrorbird (21:23:55) c'est pas de charade
mirrorbird (21:23:15) o mon farade
faraday (21:17:25) wat
mirrorbird (21:08:08) not interested in hiring programmers, we have AIs
mirrorbird (21:07:52) welcome to Assembly game party, sponsored by nVidia -- who will be funding the 5 best streamers
mirrorbird (21:07:16) it's already been done, i remember at least one 'secret location' party -- tho perhaps not for same reason
mirrorbird (21:06:57) yes, realscene must be moved away from ****scene
mirrorbird (21:06:45) hello zoi
zoi (21:06:44) tHe ScEnE iS dYiNg!!!
zoi (21:06:24) also they're banning watching pornography publicly
Time Left: 7:25
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