mirrorbird (22:23:39) import gravity -- etc.
mirrorbird (22:23:26) although "do one thing well", i guess it would just a function call.
mirrorbird (22:23:05) has anyone implemented a serious PDF renderer for lynx yet? that would be something to put on yer CV.
mirrorbird (22:22:28) H: you shoulda just used Lynx.
mirrorbird (22:22:04) f-f-f-f-f-reestyl0r
mirrorbird (22:21:50) having 100 extensions means you are a UNIT TEST
HaCKa (22:21:47) Adblockers, copy/paste enablers, paywall skippers, image downloaders, banking stuff, nightmode stuff
mirrorbird (22:20:01) weeeeeelaaaaaah!
HaCKa (22:19:42) I might have some 100 extensions.
mirrorbird (22:19:33) anyway. that's your choice, that should be respected
Time Left: 4:30
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