Machforr (12:24:08) RUGU DEMITATION
Machforr (12:23:31) o/
Colidace (11:53:24) Hi Nectas
d_vibe (11:41:09) Bet on what?
trenki (10:23:06) there was a show once in the german tv, called "Wetten daß?"
prowler (10:19:25) GURU MEDITATION
LittleWhite (09:54:18) Next time: let's do a Hyperbase blindtest, you have to recognize the author and the platform of the Hyperbase remix
Teo (09:29:06) ah, always wonderful
Teo (09:19:11) GURU MEDITATION
d_vibe (09:17:15) GURU MEDITATION
Time Left: 4:01
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