Rapture (22:39:35) haha mirror
mirrorbird (22:39:33) all wrapped up like baby zoi
juN3bula (22:39:31) but different ppl/groups behind of them?
Rapture (22:39:28) the others are wannabe crybabies yeppo
mirrorbird (22:39:26) broke: living under the stairs. woke: living under the stars
Rapture (22:39:22) in that small side room or whatever that was in 1st movie.
zoi (22:39:16) czech out ojuice.net on archive.org
Rapture (22:39:02) stairs
Rapture (22:38:55) under the stars. haha.
juN3bula (22:38:55) you meen wwwannabes?
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