Rapture (12:18:07) make sth new finally
Rapture (12:18:03) mario zelda is boring
Rapture (12:17:33) he bought casinos once. not arcades. BOOOOOH.
Rapture (12:17:21) argh
Rapture (12:17:19) he is da WORLD LEADER OF OUR HUMANS
zoi (12:17:14) everyone will buy it for the new mario/kart/zelda even if it's weaker than starbuck's coffee
Rapture (12:17:14) trump trumps everyone
Rapture (12:17:03) aha. necta is pro trumpy
zoi (12:16:50) nintender knows they can't compete on specs. they compete with their first party titles.
zoi (12:16:40) speaking of #nopolitix, why are there two emojis of orange man?
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