Seymour (16:48:02) "party
Seymour (16:47:53) Breakbit took control over the patry?
Seymour (16:46:32) *is used
Seymour (16:17:58) Word felicita, with small differences, used widely in Europe, Spain too
Seymour (16:16:06) In Italy it can be: felice nuovo anno (happy new year)
Seymour (16:15:35) pour féliciter - to congratulate?
zoi (16:13:23) you just say peefko around new years
zoi (16:13:14) I haven't met a Czech who actually knows what P.F. is short ofr.
Seymour (16:02:41) And English word football is soccer somewhere, also in English =)
Seymour (15:55:52) BTW, I like paintball more, because it has "pain"
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